Ningxia Hanas Green Energy organized the safety inspection of all refueling stations

June 22, 2022

June 2022 is the 21st National Work Safety Month, the theme is “Abide by the Work Safety Law be the first responsible person”, from the 20th national Work safety Month theme “Implement safety responsibility promote safety development” to the theme of this year’s work safety Month, we can see that the implementation of safety responsibility must start from the first responsible person, responsibility to people, layers of strengthening. Thus promote the comprehensive development of enterprise security. In order to fully implement the requirements of the national “Safety Production Month”, Ningxia Hanas Green Energy Co., Ltd. organized a series of safety month activities such as safety inspection, safety training and emergency drill at all stations in early June.

Safety month inspection, the company strictly in accordance with the national laws and regulations and company rules and regulations to carry out safety inspection work, check ideas, check management, check system, check the site, check hidden dangers, check accident handling, check equipment and facilities. Focus on the inspection of safety fire-fighting equipment accessories, all kinds of process pipeline running status, all kinds of safety accessories, pressure vessels and testing devices, instruments and other strong inspection, and production site operators in accordance with the operation procedures, etc. Make immediate rectification according to the “five decisions” principle, and report to the department responsible for the supervision and administration of work safety and the staff and workers’ assembly in a timely manner upon the discovery of major safety accidents.

During the safety month training, the company organizes all station employees to conduct training and learning on the new Production Safety Law, from the “three must” to further compacting the main responsibility of production safety of production and business units, establishing the safety production responsibility system for all staff, establishing the safety risk classification control mechanism, major accident potential investigation and reporting system, and master the rights and obligations of employees.

During the safety month drill, the company organized all stations to carry out emergency drills, focusing on LNG leakage, fire, anti-terrorism anti-riot and other special emergency plans. In the whole process of the drill, the drill teams at each station can respond quickly, follow the command, organize effectively and take proper emergency measures. Through the safety month exercise, the emergency system of each station and the execution of the plan and the rapid response ability are further tested, and the safety awareness of the participating personnel and the organization and coordination ability, response capacity and practical skills of the participating teams are further improved, so as to improve the emergency management mechanism of work safety.

Safety production month has a deadline, but safety production is always on the road. Ningxia Hanas Green Energy Co., Ltd. will take the safety production month activity as an opportunity, with the month to promote the year, effectively improve the safety awareness of all staff, continue to deepen the company’s safety management to a new level, for the company’s safe and stable operation has laid a solid foundation.