The party branch of Hanas LNG plant organized the theme party day activity in August

August 25, 2023

In order to deeply implement the Jinping Xi’s ideology of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era, practice the spirit of the 20th national congress of the communist party of China with practical actions, and further stimulate the cohesion and centripetal force of party members in plant, based on this Hanas LNG plant organized an August themed party day activity.

Leading party building, aggregating power, promoting security through police and enterprise co construction

On August 25th, the party branch of Hanas LNG plant in collaboration with the party branch of Jimin road police station, held the theme party day activity of “Leading party building, aggregating power, promoting security through police and enterprise co construction”.

During the activity, police officers from the police station combined the recent high incidence of fraud types and real cases in their jurisdiction to provide a detailed explanation of the skills about identifying and preventing fraud. This made the staffs in our plant fully realize the importance, necessity, and urgency of carrying out anti telecommunications network fraud, and further mastered the basic knowledge of fraud prevention, effectively improving their ability to prevent, identify, and self-protection against network fraud.

Practice the trend of assisting disabled people and jointly build a harmonious society

To fully leverage the leading role of party building and fulfill the social responsibility and responsibility of enterprises. On August 25th, led by the party branch of Hanas LNG plant and organized by the charity management department, the Love Volunteer Service Team, in conjunction with the party branch of the Xixia district disabled persons’ federation and the Jimin road police station, entered the Xixia district disabled persons’ sports training base to carry out a public welfare disability assistance activity with the theme of “Practice the trend of assisting disabled people and jointly build a harmonious society”.

During the activity, the plant donated a batch of living materials to the disabled athlete base. The head coach of disabled athletes, Tao Bao, expressed sincere gratitude to the party branch and leaders for their arrival from our plant. He said that Hanas LNG plant has brought help to the disabled athletes in their daily lives and also made us feel the care of society. We will work hard to create new achievements with good spiritual outlook and training results.

The comrades of the volunteer service team interacted with disabled athletes in the competition, and the athletes were full of energy, waving their rackets, and the scene was constantly exciting. Subsequently, everyone gathered together to gain a deeper understanding of the athletes’ lives and training situations. Party members and comrades who participated in the activity expressed that what the athletes are doing is priceless, and their determination to face difficulties, their spirit of self-respect and self-reliance are worth for us to learn.

Hanas LNG plant will continue to promote various public welfare and charitable activities through themed party day activities, provide care and support to those in need, create more benefits for society, contribute more strength, and practice corporate social responsibility through practical actions.