Hanas LNG Plant Holds the Launching Ceremony of “Safety Production Month” Activity

May 31, 2024


Launching Ceremony of Safety Production Month

June 2024 is the 23rd National “Safety Production Month”, with the theme of “Everyone talks about safety, everyone knows emergency – smooth life channels”. June 16th is the National “Safety Promotion and Consultation Day”. In the afternoon of May 30th, Hanas LNG plant held the launch ceremony of the 2024 “Safety Production Month” activity, fully mobilizing all employees to actively participate in the “Safety Production Month” activity, ensuring that everyone participates, everyone talks about safety, everyone knows emergency, and the company’s life channel is unobstructed. Efforts are made to improve staffs safety awareness and ability to avoid danger and escape, enhance their safety skills and quality.

At the kickoff meeting, Ma Qixuan, the general manager of the company, organized a study and conveyed the notice of the 2024 National “Safety Production Month” activity, and gave a mobilization speech on the company’s “Safety Production Month” activity. He pointed out that it is necessary to deeply study, promote and implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and the important discourse of the General Secretary Xi Jinping on safety production. In accordance with the requirements of the “Safety Production Month” activity plan of the State Council, autonomous region, Yinchuan city, and Economic Development Zone, we should do a good job in planning, organizing, coordinating, supervising, and inspecting the company’s “Safety Production Month” series of activities, and form a good safety atmosphere of linkage and joint management. Subsequently, he led everyone to deeply study and implement the important discourse from Xi Jinping on safety production, organized the viewing of the 2024 National “Safety Production Month” theme promotional video, the “Safety Production Responsibility on Shoulders” warning education video, and the typical accident warning education video, etc., studied and promoted the implementation of the State Council’s “15 hard measures” for safety production, the “20 measures” for safety production in the autonomous region, the spirit of the Fourth Plenary Session of the 13th Party Committee of the autonomous region, and the “1+37+8” series of documents on safety production. Finally, he made meticulous arrangements and deployments for the company’s “Safety Production Month” activities. He emphasized the need to include the “Safety Production Month” activities in the key work plan for safety production, with the main leaders personally responsible and the responsible leaders specifically responsible. He clarified the responsible units, responsible persons, and division of labor for key activities, ensuring that all activities are effectively organized and carried out in an orderly and effective manner under the premise of safety.

To effectively promote the “Safety Production Month” activity and achieve practical results, Hanas LNG plant will carry out a series of diverse and rich content activities, including education and training, legal publicity, hidden danger investigation, special rectification, knowledge competition, case warning, experience promotion, emergency drills, etc., to achieve internalization in the heart, externalization in the action, promoting application through learning, and integrating knowledge and action. Our company will organize life channel publicity and training, inspections, and emergency drills, carefully organize safety publicity and consultation days, and continuously improve employee safety awareness, safety skills, and emergency response capabilities. Finally, all attendees took a solemn oath and solemnly signed a commitment on the banner with the theme of “Everyone talks about safety, everyone meets emergency – unobstructed life passage”, officially kicking off the company’s “Safety Production Month” activity.

Hanas LNG plant will take the “Safety Production Month” as an opportunity, closely follow the theme of “Safety Production Month”, and carry out a series of influential, effective publicity and education activities to promote all staffs to adhere to the safety red line, build a strong safety defense line, implement the main responsibility of the enterprise and the safety production responsibility of all staffs, solidly carry out a three-year action to address the root cause of safety production, fill in shortcomings and strengths, effectively improve the quality of hidden danger investigation and rectification, and effectively enhance the strong willingness and ability to discover and solve problems. Focusing on “one prevention and four improvements”, the company will continuously improve its safety management level, and continue to promote high-quality development and high-level safety interaction.