Xu Ning, Vice chairman of the CPPCC Autonomous Region visited Hanas LNG to supervise and inspect the safety and environmental protection work

August 25, 2022

On August 25, 2022, Xu Ning, vice chairman of the CPPCC Autonomous Region, led Liu Hongning, deputy director of the Department of Industry and Information Technology, Li Jicheng, deputy director of the Office of the Second Inspector of the Department of Ecology and Environment, Lei Binghai, deputy director of the Administrative Committee of Yinchuan Jingkai District, Wang Jianxi, director of the Emergency Management Bureau and other leaders and experts on safety and environmental protection. Supervise and inspect the work safety and environmental protection of Hanas LNG Co. LTD. Company general manager Ma Qixuan and other leaders accompanied the inspection.

Chairman Xu and his delegation listened to the construction of safety production responsibility system for all employees of the company, construction of second-level standardization of safety production, construction of safety risk classification control and double prevention mechanism of hidden danger screening and management, emergency plan, safety input and other work. At the same time, the peer safety and environmental protection experts in-depth production line to carry out a detailed safety inspection, and on-site feedback of the inspection results. Afterwards, President Xu and his delegation visited the LNG storage tank area and the central control room, and had a detailed understanding of the production process, control system, equipment operation, safety and environmental protection, and the implementation of the major hazard source guarantee responsibility system.

Prevent inspection and false, ineffective rectification, change after the rebound, comprehensive investigation and rectification problems. The inspection is led by the leadership of the autonomous region, and the relevant industry regulatory authorities and safety, environmental protection and other professional experts formed an inspection team, to carry out an open and secret visit to the region’s enterprises, further compacting the responsibility of the safety and environmental protection of enterprises, so that the problem is not remedied and the responsibility is not implemented.

President Xu stressed that production safety is the top priority, to call the alarm bell, the enterprise tree firm safety development awareness, strictly implement the safety production responsibility system, layer by layer detailed work measures, improve the enterprise internal safety production responsibility system, resolutely put an end to the failure of responsibility. Enterprises should implement the recommendations put forward by safety experts, further improve the level of safety production technology, and strive to become a first-class enterprise with standardized safety production.

Based on the second-level standardized production safety management system, the company continuously strengthens and implements the main responsibility of production safety, strengthens the hierarchical control of safety risks and the screening and management of hidden dangers, strengthens the safety foundation, promotes the quality and efficiency of production safety work, commits to “fundamentally eliminate the hidden dangers of accidents, fundamentally solve the problems”, and creates a good safety environment for the victory of the Party’s 20th Congress.