The company organizes branch themed party day activities

May 24, 2023

In order to comprehensively learn and comprehend the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, strengthen the cultivation of party spirit, and fully leverage the role of the party branch as a fortress in safety production work and the exemplary role of party members, Hanas Liquefied Natural Gas Co., Ltd. organized a branch themed party day activity.

At the beginning of May, the party branch of Hanas Liquefied Natural Gas Co., Ltd. organized a series of themed party day activities, and organized employees to watch and learn the educational video series of “Great Craftsman”. Deeply integrate the model worker spirit, labor spirit and craftsman spirit into the national spirit with patriotism as the core and the Zeitgeist with reform and innovation as the core, actively guide young employees to be good “pioneers” on the company’s high-quality development path with a rigorous and pragmatic style, a responsible attitude and strict discipline.

On May 14, “Mother’s Day”, Hanas LNG organized a caring volunteer service team composed of 25 party members, trade union members and key employees to come to the Xintiandi Elderly Care Center in Xixia District, Yinchuan City, to carry out a volunteer service activity with the theme of “Volunteer Respect, Care and Passion”, send warm care and holiday greetings to the elderly, and actively practice corporate social responsibility, Interpreting the social responsibility of enterprises in the new era through practical actions.

In order to fully leverage the role of the fighting fortress and exemplary role of party members, the company’s party branch has organized the establishment of party member vanguard teams and youth assault teams, wearing party badges, armbands, and displaying identity. At critical moments of the company’s core equipment maintenance, it demonstrates party member responsibility and sets an example for party members, continuing to fight on the front line, ensuring work safety, solving technical problems, and ensuring the smooth progress of maintenance work.

Hanas Liquefied Natural Gas Co., Ltd. actively practices corporate social responsibility by conducting branch themed party day activities, guiding employees to fully devote themselves to various tasks of the company, inspiring the spirit of dedication and dedication among employees, and creating extraordinary achievements with wisdom and sweat in their respective positions. Let youth shine in the frontline struggle, and contribute to the healthy and high-quality development of the company.