Hanas LNG successfully completed a train of equipment maintenance and repair work

June 1, 2023

Since its production and operation, Hanas LNG has been operating a series of devices, including MR compressors, motors, and gearboxes, safely and smoothly for 11 years. This year, it has ushered in its first maintenance. In order to improve the operational efficiency and equipment integrity rate of the device, effectively play the important role of preventive maintenance in equipment management, and ensure the safe, stable, and long-term operation of the company’s production devices, on April 19th, the company officially launched a train of device shutdown maintenance work, which lasted for 42 days. Through scientific formulation of plans, strict attention to process management, and a focus on job safety, the maintenance task was completed with high standards, quality, and efficiency.

In order to ensure the safe, efficient, and orderly implementation of this maintenance, the company’s management has scientifically planned and carefully deployed, established a maintenance leadership group, and comprehensively organized the maintenance work. Starting from June last year, through dozens of technical seminars and plan seminars, maintenance projects have been continuously refined. A total of 31 maintenance projects and 123 maintenance tasks have been sorted out, corresponding maintenance plans have been prepared, and each plan has been carefully discussed and strictly approved. Each maintenance link has been carefully sorted out and simulated for evaluation, with specific maintenance steps refined, departmental responsibilities clearly defined, personnel tasks assigned, and task completion time limited Comprehensive analysis of process risks, implementation of on-site control measures, strict formulation of acceptance standards, and clear requirements for maintenance progress, safety, and quality control have laid a solid foundation for the smooth implementation of this maintenance work.

The MR compressor, motor, and gearbox are the key points of this maintenance. To ensure the progress and quality of the maintenance, the maintenance leadership group has classified and refined the maintenance projects, assigned tasks to groups and responsibilities to individuals, and assigned clear responsibilities to each other, ensuring the orderly progress of the maintenance work. The on-site operators strictly control the quality according to the equipment maintenance technical standards, and carry out standardized operations in an orderly manner according to the planned nodes. They use professional knowledge and rich experience to disassemble, inspect, and install various equipment and components, detect the fitting clearance of components with a meticulous attitude, debug and install every vibration, displacement, and temperature sensor, and do a fine alignment of the unit shaft system They work calmly with exquisite skills and interpret the progress and quality of maintenance through actions. During the maintenance period of the MR compressor motor and gearbox at the factory, the company assigns a dedicated person to track and supervise the entire process, report the maintenance progress in real time, and discuss online and promptly solve any problems that arise during the maintenance to ensure that the motor and gearbox complete the maintenance work on schedule and smoothly return to the factory for installation.

The company adheres to the policy of “safety first, prevention first, and comprehensive management”, and calls on all employees, contractors, and outsourcing personnel to firmly establish a red line awareness and bottom line thinking, tighten the safety chord, ensure safety, unite and inspire spirit, and fully fight the battle of major maintenance. The company shall organize special safety education and training for contractors and outsourcing personnel in advance to ensure that everyone has passed the safety awareness and skill level. Strictly supervise the site safety, study and judge the Operational risk every day, carefully carry out JHA before each operation, strictly implement the operation approval, do a good job in safety technical disclosure, and ensure that the risk identification, safety protection measures and safety responsibilities are in place. Safety management personnel control the work site round-the-clock, fully covering, throughout the entire process, and comprehensively, investigate unsafe behaviors, work permits, potential problems, etc., promptly stop and correct violations, call for the cessation of work activities that endanger production safety at any time, strictly control risks, eliminate potential hazards, and ensure that maintenance work is flawless.

With the strong support of the group company, under the correct leadership of the company’s management, and with the close cooperation of various departments and the joint efforts of all employees, on May 31st, with the familiar machine roar of the silent factory building once again, a series of devices in the company were successfully started at once, and the production equipment returned to normal operation. All technical indicators and parameters were better than before the maintenance. This maintenance effectively ensured the safe and stable operation of the company’s production equipment, providing strong support for achieving various goals and tasks throughout the year.