Chairman Fuqiang Ma of Hanas group visits Hanas LNG plant to supervise and inspect energy supply guarantee work

October 29, 2023

In order to fully implement the decisions and deployments of the Central committee of the communist party of China and the state council on energy supply guarantee, conscientiously implement the requirements of the winter energy supply guarantee conference of the autonomous region party committee and government, as well as the important instructions of the municipal party committee and government on energy supply guarantee in Yinchuan, resolutely shoulder the responsibility of ensuring supply guarantee, and fully guarantee the needs of people’s livelihoods. On October 29th, Fuqiang Ma, chairman of Hanas group, visited Hanas LNG plant to supervise and inspect the energy supply guarantee work.

Hanas LNG plant has always adhered to the concept of green and sustainable development, committed to safe and stable gas supply, high-quality and efficient services, green and low-carbon operations, and effectively ensuring people’s livelihoods. The LNG storage tank of the plant has a capacity of 50000 cubic meters, which is an important device for urban gas peak shaving and supply guarantee in Yinchuan. When the storage capacity is full, it can be converted into 30 million cubic meters of natural gas, ensuring the natural gas supply for residents of Yinchuan in emergency situations. It can be used for two months in summer and 10 days in winter for people who live in Yinchuan. Since its establishment, the plant has been operating safely and steadily for 4120 days without any safety production accidents.

Chairman Fuqiang Ma and his delegation visited the LNG storage tank, production unit area, and central control room of the plant to gain a detailed understanding of the safety production and operation, natural gas supply, and market prices in the plant. In the loading area, chairman Fuqiang Ma inspected the fire extinguisher box on site, flipped through the fire extinguisher inspection record book, and emphasized the need to always focus on linkage prevention and establish a solid “foundation network” for safety production. At the same time, he pointed out that winter gas supply is a top priority for ensuring people’s livelihoods. Each unit should carefully study the spirit of the 20th national congress of the communist party of China, implement the national energy security strategy, be brave in taking responsibility, actively take on responsibilities, establish a solid bottom line awareness, strengthen extreme thinking, and, under the premise of ensuring safe production, organize gas sources in multiple directions, do practical preparations for winter peak gas supply, and effectively improve gas supply guarantee capacity and service level, Make every effort to ensure the supply for winter energy.

We are taking action to ensure supply and stabilize for people’s livelihoods. As one of the important enterprises in the peak shaving and supply guarantee of urban gas in Yinchuan, Hanas LNG plant will, under the strong leadership of the group, comprehensively investigate and rectify safety hazards, firmly adhere to the bottom line of safety production red line, and further improve the level of safety production management in our plant with a highly responsible work attitude, solid work style, practical and effective work measures, and pay close attention to safety production of energy supply guarantee work, Implement various measures to ensure the supplement, fully guarantee gas demand, and firmly adhere to the bottom line of people’s livelihood. Vice chairman Shaobo Wang of Hanas group, directors Yi Zhang and Xiaomei Wang, vice presidents Fulu Ma, Zenggang Bu, Zhiqing Li, Beilei Wu, Qixuan Ma, Shuyi Chen and other leaders accompanied the supervision and inspection.