The Hanas LNG Plant Holds Summary Report Meeting for 2023

February 2, 2024

On February 2, 2024, Hanas LNG Plant organized the 2023 Work Summary and Advanced Commendation Meeting. All employees of the company gathered together to review the past, summarize experience, face shortcomings, plan for the future, and commend departments and employees who have made positive contributions to the company’s development.

Comprehensive Review: Reviewing the Past and Make Plans

The heads of various departments of the company provided comprehensive and detailed reports on the completion of safety management, production operation, equipment maintenance, technological innovation, personnel administration, financial management, and other work in 2023 through rich cases and detailed data. At the same time, combined with the completion of annual indicators, they analyzed and summarized the existing problems and shortcomings, proposed specific improvement measures, and deeply analyzed the current market and industry situation, At the same time, department heads have also clarified their work ideas and sorted out and looked forward to the 2024 work plan.

Grand commendation: inspiring advanced individuals and setting an example

To motivate the advanced, promote the exemplary, inspire enthusiasm, and fully play the leading role of exemplary demonstration. The meeting commended the outstanding collective and individual performance in the work of 2023, hoping that they can continue to strive and achieve good results, and make new contributions to the company’s achievement of new goals, winning new development! Encourage all employees to take excellence as a typical example, and seek practical results for the sustained and stable development of the company.

Preparedness: Signing Responsibility and Ensuring Safety

To ensure the effective implementation of safety production and fire safety responsibilities in various departments, promote the true implementation of the full staff safety production responsibility system, and further improve the level of safety production management. The general manager of the company has signed safety production target responsibility agreements and fire safety target responsibility agreements with various departments, clarifying the safety goals and fire responsibilities for 2024. By further strengthening goal orientation, responsibility awareness, process control and other measures, we ensure the successful achievement of all goals for 2024.

Long sighted: looking forward to the future with full confidence

At the end of the meeting, the general manager of the company, Ma Qixuan, affirmed the annual work completion of each department. He pointed out that in the face of severe market competition and complex economic environment in 2023, all of our employees worked together and united to achieve sustained and stable development in all aspects of the company’s work. In 2024, we will resolutely implement the group’s strategic deployment, coordinate and promote the implementation and flowering of various work with greater enthusiasm, higher standards, and more practical measures, and tirelessly strive to achieve the annual task goals.


The wind and clouds change, never changing the right path in the world; The ocean flows horizontally, and it’s more like breaking through the waves. The hour hand of history points to a new scale; Having great dreams and embarking on a new journey. Once again standing at a new starting point, facing new opportunities and challenges, we will continue to closely focus on the strategic deployment of the group company, with the goal of creating a standardized first level enterprise for safety production. We will strengthen our operations, abide by safety, expand the market, ensure gas supply, reduce costs, and improve efficiency. We will unite as one, strengthen our confidence, focus on our goals, and strive forward. We will continue to write a brilliant chapter of clean energy enterprise models in the new year!