How to become the most efficient and reliable LNG plants in China?

Feed Gas Compression
The pressure of raw feed gas entering the production pipeline is 2.4-2.7Mpag. Condensate and solid particles need to be removed through the filter and compressor inlet separator, and then it enters the purification unit after being pressurized to 6.5Mpag by the feed gas compressor.
Feed Gas Purification: CO2 removal, dehydration, heavy hydrocarbon removal, mercury removal
In order to prevent the impurity gas in the feed gas from corroding the equipment and process pipeline, the feed gas must be purified before liquefaction.
CO2 Removal
In order to prevent the sour gas in the feed gas from corroding the equipment and process pipeline, the feed gas must be deacidified before liquefaction. Our company adopts MDEA chemical absorption method, which is widely used in the world at present, with relatively mature and stable process, to absorb acid gas. Under high pressure, the feed gas contacts with the solution of N-methyldiethanolamine (MDEA) to absorb the acid gas and then enters the dehydration unit.
Dehydration treatment
during liquefaction treatment, the water will be frozen on the surface of the heat exchanger or the working part of the throttle valve in the form of ice or frost when it is below zero; In addition, natural gas and water will form natural gas hydrate, which will lead to blockage of heat exchanger pipeline, J-T valve and separation equipment. Our company adopts the typical adsorption high-pressure natural gas dehydration process in the world at present. The water content after the dehydration bed treatment is analyzed in real time by the online analysis device. If it is less than or equal to 1ppm, it is qualified and can enter the heavy hydrocarbon removal unit.
Heavy hydrocarbon removal treatment

Heavy hydrocarbons usually refer to C6+hydrocarbons. Heavy hydrocarbons not removed will freeze in the pipeline and block the heat exchanger pipeline, J-T valve or separation equipment. Our company adopts the method of double tower pretreatment process to remove heavy hydrocarbon. The content of heavy hydrocarbon after heavy hydrocarbon removal is analyzed in real time by online analysis device, and it can enter the mercury removal unit after being removed to the trace level.

Mercury removal
The mercury in the feed gas may freeze in the main cryogenic heat exchanger (MCHE), causing partial aluminum corrosion and catastrophic damage to the equipment. The natural gas from the heavy hydrocarbon removal unit enters the mercury adsorption tower. The filler of the adsorption tower is activated alumina soaked with sulfide, which can remove the mercury content in the gas to the micro level and then enter the liquefaction unit.
Liquefaction Treatment
The liquefaction unit adopts APCI single cycle mixed refrigeration (SMR) process, which ensures the high-efficiency operation of the unit to the maximum extent. The main equipment of liquefaction unit is main low temperature heat exchanger (MCHE) and MR compressor. MCHE is composed of three continuous tube bundles: high temperature bundle, medium temperature bundle and low temperature bundle. The refrigerant components are adjusted according to different working conditions to make the cooling curves of natural gas and refrigerant very consistent, minimize the compression power consumption per ton of LNG produced, and provide the best cooling and liquefaction cooling capacity in MCHE.